Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Rule #2: Know You're the Best

There's one difference to me between a truly successful person and an unsuccessful person, and that is that successful people know they are a successful. If you ever second guess your work or think that it's pretty good but you're not sure if it's the best then it isn't the best. Basically for being a musician your number one fan should always be yourself. If you think that your band is just ok or you find that you can't listen to your entire song without getting bored then make it the best. That's probably one of the most important things I've learned about the music business so far is that if you aren't 100% sure that you will be a success than for sure no one else will be. It's kind of like acting. A good actor learns to truly believe he is the character and a bad actor just thinks they are acting. So that is without a doubt rule #2 to living your rock and roll dream. You have to know you, your band, your music and every aspect of yourself if as good as it can possibly be.

1 comment:

Charles Trankina said...

Congrats on the blog and great-looking website. Your insight and thoughtful words of encouragement are refreshing. I wish you lots of success.